The idea of the Industrial Forum arose in 2010 when it was included in the White Paper on Defence and the Bulgarian Armed Forces. The main goal of the initiative is to create the necessary environment for the establishment of sustainable partnership and continuous dialogue between the state authorities, business and the research and technology (R&T) entities in the field of defence and security.
The Industrial Forum searches for solutions on how the government can support the development of an advanced national defence industry, modern education and future research and development (R&D) capabilities.
Our expectations from the Industrial Forum are to create a suitable mechanism for reliable and continuous exchange of information and expertise on actual national and collaborative armaments programmes, advanced defence technologies, new trends and practices in defence-related education and training and etc.
The main tasks of the Forum’s participating members are focused on the definition of:
- priorities in development of competitive defence industry capabilities;
- conditions for transfer of high technologies and upgrade of the traditional production capacities;
- prerequisites for maximizing the economic benefits of planned defence expenditures and R&T allocated funds;
- opportunities for the integration of the Bulgarian companies in the supply chains of the leading international defence manufactures;
- approaches towards the full integration of the Bulgarian defence and technological industrial base (BDTIB) in the European Defence and Equipment Market (EDEM);
- opportunities for increasing the efficiency of BDTIB;
- approaches towards increasing the export potential of BDTIB.
The Industrial Forum functions as an idea generator, mediator and consulting body at national level supporting the state policy for development of the defence technological and industrial base.